5 Days with Apple Cider Vinegar. Be Your Best!

Apple Cider Vinegar Marketing Works!

I have been hearing about this Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) solution for a while now, it has been around since 400 BC and the time of Hippocrates (The Father of Medicine). It is all the rage, and some solutions and recipes have gone viral. I will give it a try for 5 days, if I like it and I see results, I will continue on this new journey. Here we go!

Day One:

Started out with the old Heinz bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) it is filtered and meant to be used in cooking and cleaning, it was terrible. I only drank one glass (2-tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar and 8-oz. water) I did not notice any benefits, negative or positive.

Day Two:

I started the day out again and the stuff we have at home was old, and not the right kind. I went to the store before work and bought the Braggs brand of Apple Cider Vinegar, this was suggested by more than one board posting. This made it better to handle, although the kitchen at my work smelled like vinegar, like someone had just cleaned the coffee pot! No one said anything so I just let that roll.

I did notice that my blood glucose readings came back into the “normal” range for me (Type 2 Diabetic), thanks, apple cider vinegar! For two days now I have had perfect readings. I got a little bloat and stomach rumble after taking the Braggs before lunch. No other signs of the stuff working. I will take another dose right before bed tonight. I would like to see some effect on my skin, I have read a lot about this benefit.

Day Three:

I am keeping up with the routine, I take the concoction three times a day. I am getting used to it, but even with water is still burns a little. I noticed my voice went a bit raspy, not sure if that was due to the Apple Cider Vinegar, or just Winter dryness. My Blood Glucose levels are still constant, so I think it is working there, but I am also watching what I eat. I have completely given up fast food, I have not been since the last week of 2017. That could be affecting my BG levels as well.

For my night dose, I took some advice from Seth Roberts and tried it with hot water and honey and drank it like tea. This was wonderful and tasted just like Hot Apple Cider, it also helped me get to sleep as well. I would suggest giving this a try for anyone starting out.

Day Four:

I started out again today with an 8-oz. glass of Apple Cider Vinegar, I have noticed my face is clearing up and I had more energy.

I felt good this morning, so I started a Yoga routine online with Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. I discovered her some time ago from a friend from Japan, and have started the “30 Days of Yoga” series about 4 times now. I have not been past day 8 yet. I take time off, due to life, and just start again when I am motivated. I will try to get through the whole 30 days this time. I did find that I need to get up a little earlier to do the workout and still get ready before getting the kids up for school. I am thinking 5:30 am.

For those interested, I do 30 minutes of Kettlebells on M/W/F and Yoga on Tues/Thurs and my Run/Walk routine as well.

Continued with my nightly “tea” which is Apple Cider Vinegar, honey, and hot water (See Day three). This seems to be helping me sleep and I cannot recommend it enough again check out Seth Roberts

Day Five:

I had both kids this morning, as I had “Donuts with Dads” with my oldest. Her mother usually takes her to school so I can take the 3-year-old in to pre-school and get to work by 7. I did not take my drink at home, I was too busy getting everyone ready, clothes on, socks, shoes … what do you mean you don’t know where your shoes are! Needless-to-say, I did not get a workout in either.

I do, however, have another bottle of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar at work. I just waited until I got in and drank it then. I feel it is really working for me and it is not hard at all to take. I have read countless postings about people not being able to tolerate it and it is making them sick. Not me, maybe I am used to it now?

I have not lost much weight, but I blame that on the Kettlebell workouts, you know what they say, muscle weighs more than fat. I did notice that my clothes are fitting better, so that is a plus.


I really like what I am doing, the ACV is making me feel better and I have more energy for my morning workouts/yoga practice. Now, I know this needs more time to know the full effects, but I am happy with the experiment for now.

As for the Kettlebell workouts and the yoga practice, I will detail those in a separate blog post later.

Remember, take a breath, you’re 50 now, it is just part of life.

You can email me if you like, with any questions or comments. I would really like to hear about your personal journey. Ur50Now@gmail.com

Take care,

Christopher Brands